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Nourish & Flourish: Holistic Puree to Finger Foods for infants & Toddlers.

Your all-in-one step-by-step guide to taking charge of your child's nutrition from 6 - 24 months and beyond.

Whether you are a parent of an infant or toddler, this course is designed to help make the best of the infant stage and transition smoothly to toddlerhood.

Here’s a Sneak Peek of what you will be learning:

Holistic Nutrition for Infants (6-12 months)

  • Starting Solids and Child and Parent Preparedness

  • Holistic Nutrition Principles and Mindset for setting the proper foundation for your child

  • Key Nutrients for the first 1000 days. How to provide tailored nutrition from 6 months and beyond

  • Holistic Approach to Introducing Allergens

  • Food Introduction and Preparation for healthy digestion and overall health

  • Making and serving Nourishing Purees for 6-8 months (Healthy eating habits, textures, transitions, and self-feeding strategies)

  • Transitioning to Finger Foods, strategies for a smooth transition without anxiety (9-12 months)

Welcome to Toddlerhood

  • Managing Toddler Transitions

  • Milk to Meal balance, making better food choices, and Nutrition

  • Toddler Finger Foods, Spoon Transitions, and Overcoming Picky Eating

  • Practical Strategies for cultivating Healthy Eating Habits

Child Health and Wellness

  • Reducing Toxins in food and child personal care products

  • How to read labels – where, how, and what to look out for

  • Holistic Sick Baby Protocol

  • Your first approach to illness and how to care for your baby

Holistic Nutrition for Infants

Starting Solids and Child and Parent Preparedness

Holistic Nutrition Principles and Mindset for setting the proper foundation for your child

Key Nutrients for the first 1000 days: Providing tailored nutrition from 6 months and beyond

Transitioning to Finger Foods, strategies for a smooth transition without anxiety (9-12 months)

Holistic Approach to Introducing Allergens

Food Introduction and Preparation for healthy digestion and overall health

Making and serving Nourishing Purees for 6-8 months (Healthy eating habits, textures, transitions, and self-feeding strategies)

Welcome to Toddlerhood

Managing Toddler Transitions

Milk to Meal balance, making better food choices, and Nutrition

Toddler Finger Foods, Spoon Transitions, and Overcoming Picky Eating Carter

Practical Strategies for cultivating Healthy Eating Habits

Child Health and Wellness

Reducing Toxins in food

and child personal care products

How to read labels – where, how, and what to look out for

Holistic Sick Baby Protocol

How to read labels – where, how, and what to look out for

Your first approach to illness and how to care for your baby

What about Resources?

You will get a beautiful hardcover Nutrition book and an ebook for easy electronic access that guides you through everything you will need to know.

Bonus if you Pre-order!

You also get free shipping of the Holistic Natural Remedies for Common Childhood Illnesses

print copy & Free shipping of all the books

Original Price $297

Waitlist Price $97 only

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